the Bing v-bottom restoration has begun! looking forward to throwing a nice Captian Fin flex fin in this thing after the new box is put into place.
independence day weekend...celebrating the birth of this country. fun to pretend things are fine and dandy, but lets not forget what most of this country is really about. Gummo, a brilliant film depicting the heartland...
apparently the gods have spoken and decided to shine their light on Endlesswave in Newport, RI. fuji polaroid shot by gordon holden.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
oldie but goodie. last summer fun in northern new england. nick lavecchia photo.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
had a concrete session with Silas Finch yesterday afternoon and took this image. summer's here...time to skate
Friday, June 10, 2011
four sessions the other day, and these are the fun machines used. 9'6" log, 5'5" mini simmons, swim fins and a lunch tray handplane courtesy of Wendy's. best day in a long time...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
much thanks to Eastern Surf Magazine for their openness to boards over 9 feet...check out the entire issue here